Parul Airen

Gurgaon, Haryana

Profession: Entrepreneur - software company in India

Year of passing: 1991

I didn’t realize it growing up, but I can safely look back and attribute most of my personality, ethics and resilience to St. Raphael’s and the amazing environment and mentors I had there. I got graduated in 1991 from school. Yes, I am an oldie! It was a safe haven to grow up as a real human being, with loads of fun and tons of discipline. All the enviroment that I was lovingly provided is greatly responsible for the way I am right now. I had the opportunity to be the House Captain (Orange House), which was a great exercise in learning leadership skills. (We were awarded the Best House in 1990-91 session, yay!) After St. Raphael’s, I went to pursue and complete a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Pune university, followed by a Masters in Business Administration (Finance) from our good old IMS in Indore. After working in Mumbai as a financial analyst, I moved to United States and back to being a techie. 7 years and 2 off-springs later, I moved back to India and made a home in Gurgaon, where I am still residing. I have evolved from being a programmer to management to eventually heading a software company in India to an entrepreneur, while also being an exhibited artist, an avid traveller, and a rally driver. Currently, I am on a short sabbatical from corporate life and making the best of the lockdown. It has been an interesting ride. My most profound realization is that the 14 years of being well-molded at St. Raphael’s gave me the best tools and attitude to go out there and follow all my dreams, to have integrity and empathy while doing it. I am truly grateful to my Alma Mater!