Student Council Messages

Head Girl - Hiyanshi Nema

From nursery rhymes to elaborate speeches, from walking in a queue to the importance of discipline,

our Alma Mater has taught us everything. Today we the Student council is fortunate enough to be able

to serve and give back to our school what we have received all these years. Being the Head Girl of this

esteemed institution feels no less than a manifestation transformed into reality.

I am deeply grateful to our Principal and Teachers for placing their trust in me.

John Maxwell has rightly said- "The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to

change but the leader adjusts the sails."

I pledge to embody the essence of leadership, voicing the opinions of my peers, fostering inclusivity

and nurturing an environment where every unique talent is celebrated. The Student Council will strive to be a

bridge between students, teachers and the management making sure that our collective goals are reached.

I believe that working together as a team, we can bring out the best in all of us and create wonders. Let us

progress towards this session where holistic development meets scholastic achievement. As we advocate for

unity, creativity and mental wellness; let this year be one etched in our memories forever.


Hiyanshi Nema

Head Girl

Vice Head Girl-Poorvi Mandovra

It is rightly said by John F. Kennedy -“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” and being the Vice

Head Girl of our esteemed institution, I truly believe in his words.

This position will be a source of learning for me and will demonstrate my ability to lead by example, motivating my

fellow mates to strive for excellence in all endeavors.

I am sure that this golden opportunity will have a very positive impact on my personality by boosting my confidence,

inculcating teamwork and other soft skills as well.

Further, my vision is to embody the school's values of integrity, respect, compassion, discipline and punctuality

fostering an inclusive environment where every student feels valued and heard and the school’s reputation is upheld.

I aim to-

  • See continuous improvement in school, where co-curricular and academic excellence go hand in hand.
  • Support and motivate students in all sorts of matter so that they find me approachable.
  • Encourage more participation and build a sense of unity and pride in our school campus.

I feel extremely grateful to my alma mater and to all those who made me the one person I always wanted to be and

gave me a chance to contribute towards my school.

I wish to step out of the school campus as a better and goal oriented person reminiscing all the memories and leave

an indelible imprint on my juniors.

At last, I truly wish to make the school proud of me.

Poorvi Mandovra

(Vice Head Girl)​

Cultural Secretary-Savri Lodhe

A successful person finds the right place for himself.

A successful leader finds the right place for everyone.
I am honoured to serve as the Cultural Secretary for the session 2024-25. I am extremely grateful to
the school management,  my teachers and my school mates for entrusting such a great responsibility to me.
It is rightly said , a boss has a title , but a leader has the people. Joining the student council is not just about
achieving a title , it is about shaping onself , embodying excellence and becoming a leader who is influential,
accountable as well as sensible.
Our Alma mater has not only given us core values and crucial life lessons,  but has also given us the incredible
gift of loving service which we aim to pass on to our fellow mates. We, as a team strive to work together to take
the next right step.
I pledge to fulfill the duties with my full potential and serve my Alma mater in every possible way. 
So, together,  let's make this session an unforgettable one and walk towards achieving a remarkable success. 

English Literary Secretary -Aarthy Nathan
“Leadership is the art of translating vision into reality”

As the English Literary Secretary for the session 2024-25, I am honored and deeply grateful for the trust placed

in me by our esteemed institution. This role is not just an honor, but a significant responsibility. For me, leadership

is about creating an environment where every voice is valued, and every talent is nurtured.

Our Alma Mater has played a pivotal role in shaping my literary journey. The wisdom imparted by our teachers and the

camaraderie shared with my peers have been instrumental in my growth. Now, it is my turn to give back. I am committed

to turn my vision of a vibrant literary culture into reality. I seek to provide platforms for budding writers, poets and orators to

showcase their talents and thrive.

Literature has the power to transform and inspire, and I am enthusiastic about the year ahead, which promises numerous

opportunities to explore and celebrate this power and to create a dynamic and enriching experience for all.

Hindi Literary Secretary -Vriddhi Haria

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."

The above mentioned quote strongly describes my life. Once a tenth grader saw a little
dream of representing her school in all matters and being a part of the student council.
Ever since , I made it my vision to convert that dream into reality and make all my well-wishers
feel proud. 
With great honour , pride and a heart full of gratitude being elected as the Hindi Literary Secretary
of St. Raphael's H.S. School for the session 2024-25 , I pledge to foster positive changes in the school ,
serve as a bridge between the management and the students and uphold the school theme "Grooming
Global Generation"

Blue House Captain -Krisha Sanghvi

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader, takes people where they don’t

necessarily want to go, but ought to be.

-Rosalynn Carter

As I have been given the opportunity to become the blue house captain, I would like to thank

our respected principal and teachers and school management for putting their faith in me and

making me the captain. I’m proud to lead the house filled with energy, teamwork and strong sense

of spirit .For being a good leader being impartial is important so I’ll give each and every student equal

chance to participate in the competition and make them feel valued and inspired to contribute their best.

I promise to be a good example for all student. I shall do all my work with utmost sincerity. I will try my

best to support each and every student to bring the best out of them whether in sports or any other domain.

I will render my duties religiously and will be persistent in my efforts to bring laurels to my house. I will be

dedicated to my work and work very hard to make my house win and bring it at top and serve my fullest.

Blue House Sports  Captain- Ayushi Thakur
“Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.” I totally

agree to this. Leadership is not about holding a position of authority, it is about inspiring and guiding your

team towards shared goals. As the blue house sports captain for the academic year 2024-25, I promise to

prioritize integrity and transparency. Empowerment and growth will be at the forefront as I support each team

member’s development and encourage togetherness. I commit to guide our house towards excellence and to

celebrate each achievement of ours as one cohesive unit. I promise to fulfill all my duties and to be a responsible

leader. I am very thankful to the school management for providing me with this opportunity will do my best

to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted upon me. 

Green House Captain- Arya Jain

"Being sensitive is not a sign of weakness, but a mark of a kind and humble heart." As the Green House Captain

for the academic session 2024-2025, I believe that sensitivity helps me connect deeply with others and face challenges

with empathy. This quality has shaped me into a caring leader, ready to support and uplift my peers.Throughout

my journey, I've learned that true strength comes from meekness and the ability to understand and relate to others.

This leadership role is more than just a title; it’s a chance to show my commitment to create a supportive and

inclusive environment. I am dedicated to prove myself by working hard, setting a positive example, and encouraging

my fellow students to reach their full potential. Together, we can achieve great things, and I am excited to help

Green House shine.


Green House Sports Captain- Disha Pal

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about

growing others. -Jack Welch

As the greenhouse sports captain I am honoured to lead a team this year, a chance to redefine what it means to

be champions. Being a captain is more than just wearing a badge; it is about embodying the values of teamwork,

determination and sportsmanship that defines our team.

My journey began when I became a member of the Raphaelite community two years ago. At first, I had a hard time

adjusting, but I eventually blended in with the family. I quickly started enhancing my academic performance while

juggling other interests. I played football competitively and dedicated some of my time to the sport, which helped me

get on the school's football team.

I feel that everyone of us dedicated many hours of training to pushing ourselves beyond our boundaries and supporting

each other through every success and setbacks ,whether in sports or in academics. This season lets allow us to push ourselves

to new heights.Let us challenge ourselves to excel not only as athletes but as people who exhibit respect, resilience and

perseverance. In conclusion I would say our house has a fantastic tradition of teamwork, devotion and sporting prowess, and

I am happy to lead us in upholding this legacy.

Red House Captain-Tasmiya Qureshi

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
It is with profound honor that I assume the role of Red House Captain for the 2024-25 session. As your captain,
I am elated to lead such a vibrant and spirited cohort of students. Our house aspires to achieve unparalleled
excellence in every pursuit, be it academic, athletic, or extracurricular. My commitment is to cultivate a spirit of
collaboration and inclusivity, not just within the Red House but across the entire school community. This year, we
have set forth ambitious goals and are determined to leave an indelible mark through various competitions and events.
Let us embrace every challenge with fervor and continue to uplift one another.
Remember, we are not merely a team; we are a family.

Red House Sports Captain - Himanya Chauhan


"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the

team." - Phil Jackson


As the Sports Captain of Red House, it is a tremendous honour to lead our passionate and

talented sports team. The past year has been an exciting journey filled with hardwork, teamwork

and numerous victories that have brought pride and laurels to our school. The transition from inter

school competitions to winning the CBSE Volleyball Clusters for the past 17 years displays our strategic

gameplay and the relentless efforts of each team member, solidifying our school's reputation for excellence

in sports. 

Looking ahead, my primary objective is to continue refining our skills and striving for excellence in every

sport. Additionally, as the Red House Sports Captain, I aim to engage in more inter-house and inter-school

friendly matches to gain diverse experience and sharpen our tactics. 

Standing on the volleyball court, with the sunlight filtering through the net and casting intricate patterns on

the ground, I am constantly reminded of the beauty and precision of the sport I love. 


"Once you fall, the only way to go is back up! Fly High".

Yellow House Captain- Harshita Shamdasani

Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire and influence others towards achieving common goals or a shared vision.

I am honoured to serve as the Yellow House Captain of my school. In this role, I promise to uphold the values and

traditions of our school and to be a role model for my fellow students. I feel highly obliged towards our respected
Principal, teachers and the school management for entrusting me to uphold the legacy of a house captain.
I promise to be a good example for all the students in all of my interactions by dealing with respect, kindness and

inclusivity. I will promote and encourage academic brilliance by encouraging a culture of learning and achievement.

With utmost commitment, I pledge to work hard to keep my yellow house at the top and serve my Alma Mater to the

Yellow House Sports Captain- Riddhi Dixit

“A leader is like a shepherd.He stays behind the flock,letting the most nimble go out ahead,

where upon others follow, not realising that all along they are being guided from behind”.-

Nelson Mandela 

It is an honour and privilege for me to be selected as the yellow house sports captain. As a
basketball player, my sport has taught me the values of commitment, hardwork, discipline
and dedication and these values have now become the principles that I abide by. Working in
collaboration with my housemates I will try to achieve the best for our house, by listening to
their ideas, supporting their endeavours, bringing out their true potential and fostering a spirit
of teamwork and determination. I promise to work with all my zeal and devotion and leave no
stone unturned to make my Alma Mater scale the heights of success and excellence. Together, let
us make this school year a memorable one!