Theo Theatre

Audio Visual Aid is the best tool for making teaching effective and for the best dissemination of knowledge. It allows learners to gain information in a way that stimulates their intelligence and they are introduced to the concept of conveying information creatively. The school has a centralized Air Conditioned Audio Visual hall – “Theo Theatre” . It is fitted with state- of- the- art –technology.

The hall has wireless and broadband internet facility with the audio and projection equipment as Micro Phones, Surround Sound Digital System , Tape Recorder, Pen Drive Players, Channeled Music , Remote Controlled Slide and Video Projector, Over head L C D Display, Laser Pointer, Remote Enable large Screens, Dark Blinds to minimize entry of light while a session is on and other facilities. Theo Theatre is intended to cater the learning needs of the students in conjunction with the teachers.

The hall is used for recording purposes, conducting seminars, meetings, counseling sessions ,In House Programs, Addresses by prominent guests and speakers and other presentations and activities. It can accommodate around _____ students at a time for viewing and presentation purpose.